Pre-conference workshop submissions have now closed. 

Pre-conference workshops provide an opportunity to engage participants actively in the application of theory and practice and to disseminate best practice and innovative pedagogy. 

The number of workshop slots is limited and will include invited workshops as well as those accepted through the review process. If the program cannot accommodate all suitable proposals for pre-conference workshops, proposers may be offered a shorter time slot in the main conference program. All pre-conference workshops will be held on Monday, 7 July 2025.

Workshop proposals closed on Sunday 29 September 2024 (AEST).

A workshop proposal (maximum 350 words) must be submitted for review. The proposal should be submitted as text and typed directly into the text box provided in the submission portal including the below headings.

  1. Aim of the workshop
  2. Focus of the workshop (e.g. presentation of research outcomes, provision of a practical application related to research, industry focused perspective) 
  3. Overview of the workshop
    • Intended audience 
    • Context and if appliable reference to literature informing the workshop
  4.  Brief workshop plan with an emphasis on activities to engage participants

If accepted, the submission will be published on the conference website and app. Facilitators will also be asked to provide a brief biography and will be provided with complimentary registration and catering on the workshop day.

Pre-conference workshop preposals will be reviewed against the following criteria:

  • Relevance to the purposes of HERDSA Conference
  • Alignment of workshop aim, focus and plan
  • Intended learning outcomes focused on developing participants’ knowledge and practice
  • Detailed plan integrating participant active engagement
  • Writing quality: clear, accurate, professional, and academic

Pre-conference workshops are allocated 180 minutes of workshop time, with an additional 30 minutes allocated for a refreshment break. A full day workshop may be considered but will depend on space in the program and a strong justification.

Participants attend workshops for the opportunity to engage actively in learning. Thus, the focus for workshops must be on participants doing and activities, questions and discussion integrated throughout

Formatting guidelines

  • Workshop proposals must be typed directly into the text box provided in the submission portal and not exceed 350 words.
  • Title and facilitator names provided during online submission process. Do not include the workshop title or the facilitator names and affiliations in the submission text box.
  • All text should be entered in sentence case (do not type in CAPITAL LETTERS)
  • Do not include any tables or images in the submission.