Pre-conference workshops

The pre-conference workshops will be held on Monday 8 July at Flinders University, Festival Plaza (Adelaide CBD).

If you are also attending the conference you can book your registration for the pre-conference workshops during the conference registration process. The fee for each on-site pre-conference workshop, including the full day TATAL workshop partly subsidised by HERDSA as a benefit to members, is $80. 

If you are also attending the conference, you can book your registration for the pre-conference workshops during the conference registration process. The fee for each onsite pre-conference workshop is $80. Workshop 7 – Guiding emerging researchers towards publishing in higher education journals is free and fully subsidised by HERDSA as a benefit for members.

If you are not attending the conference and ONLY wish to attend a pre-conference workshop, you can register via the workshop only registration button below. The costs are $100 for each onsite pre-conference workshop. If you would like to attend Workshop 07 – Guiding emerging researchers towards publishing in higher education journals and are a HERDSA member, this will incur a small cost of $20 as a benefit to members.

Delegates registering for the TATAL full day workshop will receive morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea.

Delegates registering for a half-day workshop will receive either morning tea or afternoon tea. Those who register for two half-day workshops, will receive both morning tea and afternoon tea, however lunch will be at their own arrangement.

Full-day workshop

8:30am - 3:30pm

Mr Robert Kennelly, University of Canberra
Dr Edward Palmer, University of Adelaide
Ms Manisha Thakkar, Torrens University
Prof Dieter Schönwetter, University of Manitoba
Dr Stuart Schonell, Advocacy Western Australia
Dr Nicole Reinke, University of the Sunshine Coast
Dr Ann Parkinson, University of the Sunshine Coast
Dr Abigail Lewis, Edith Cowan University 
Ms Mona Umapathy, University of South Australia 
Dr Pearl Panickar, South Australian Institute of Business & Technology

This workshop has a maximum capacity of 30 people.

The fee for this workshop is partially subsidised by HERDSA as a benefit to members.

‘Talking about Teaching and Learning’ (TATAL) workshops seek to create a safe, trusting, respectful space where cohorts of reflective practitioners meet regularly to enhance their teaching and the learning of their students, and to develop a teaching philosophy and an ongoing sense of enquiry.

TATAL workshop activities address the conference theme, Professional Learning for Academic Practice. It provides a forum to discuss the sub-themes: ‘designing professional learning to support change’ and ‘influences, pressures and the nature of academic work and academic identities’

The TATAL experience begins online and continues after the conference workshops (FtoF) through synchronous online or face-to-face collaborative sessions, with a view to improving practice.

Intended audience
Academics with over two years of teaching experience who seek time and the support of others to develop an understanding and awareness of their teaching philosophy. Deans of Education, Academic Developers and champions who seek to foster a serious approach to challenges, changes and opportunities in teaching and learning in their institution.

This 13th TATAL workshop supports HERDSA’s aim to ‘facilitate and promote the enhancement of teaching and learning on an ongoing basis’.

Learning outcomes
On completion of the workshop participants will have:

  • Established a safe collaborative environment in which to continue to investigate the challenges and successes of teaching and learning.
  • Enhanced their skills and confidence in talking and writing about teaching and learning.
  • Begun to articulate a personal teaching philosophy.

Workshop plan
Activities commence in a flipped class format from Monday 24th June with presentations, discussions and free writing. At the Pre-conference workshop (9.30am – 3.30pm with a working lunch on Monday 8th July 2024) TATALers begin constructing their teaching philosophy by free writing responses to stimulating questions. As it takes time to develop a safe environment in which to reflect and to write freely, this workshop requires more than a half day to achieve its objectives.
On Wednesday 10th July, TATALers engage in a synchronous Zoom session with experienced TATALers and arrange meetings to continue collaborative reflection on their teaching philosophy and begin to prepare teaching portfolios.

On-site half-day workshops (morning)

8:30am - 12:00pm

Dr HuiJun Chih, Curtin University
Assoc Prof Margo Brewer, Curtin University
Prof Natalie Gasson, Curtin University

The main aim of this workshop is to develop staff confidence and ability to support student mental health and wellbeing within the university environment. The secondary aim is to develop a cross-institutional Community of Practice (CoP) for staff interested in (embedding) student mental health and wellbeing in the curriculum and university environment.The main aim of this workshop is to develop staff confidence and ability to support student mental health and wellbeing within the university environment. The secondary aim is to develop a cross-institutional Community of Practice (CoP) for staff interested in (embedding) student mental health and wellbeing in the curriculum and university environment.

The focus of the workshop is for staff to engage in authentic activities that showcase the (unmet) mental health needs of students, and develop practical strategies to support student mental health. Subsequently, workshop participants will focus on collaborative and cross-institutional activities (e.g., CoP, scholarship of teaching and learning [SoTL]) that address current gaps in staff ability to support students using the Universal Design for Learning Framework (

Our intended audience are academic and administrative/professional staff with an interest in supporting student mental health. Mental wellbeing impacts on a learner’s ability to create, engage with, and retain learning (Houghton and Anderson 2017) – an essential skill for university students and future workforce. Nevertheless, our preliminary study showed that the uptake of on-campus support services among students with mental health conditions is low (Goldberg 2023, unpublished thesis). Embedding student wellbeing in the curriculum and providing a supportive environment are needed to facilitate student progression and to develop resilient graduates (Houghton and Anderson 2017; Van Kessel et al. 2019).

Workshop plan
A pre-workshop survey will be sent to participants asking them to share their experiences of embedding student wellbeing content and activities, and their requirements for professional development and/or a collaborative network on this topic. The workshop plan is briefly outlined below:
  • Utilise an ice-breaker activity to share the findings from the pre-workshop survey and begin the formation of a CoP;
  • Practise active listening and responding to authentic student (unmet) needs, strengths, and barriers in a sensitive and safe manner;
  • A brief showcase of activities conducted by Curtin Academy Fellows;
  • Develop practical strategies to facilitate student wellbeing; and
  • Develop future plans to lead change that supports good mental health in students (e.g., a national CoP, SoTL activities).
Dr Helen Parker, UNSW Business School
Dr Jeremy Grace, UNSW Business School

To provide:
  • Practical insights into complexity through experiential exercises;
  • A framework for understanding and managing systemic change, and
  • Facilitation approaches for teaching complexity in higher education.
The workshop provides a practical application related to complexity and sense-making research.

Higher education courses, particularly at the undergraduate level, focus on cause-and-effect analysis, logical argumentation and linear problem solving. Today’s students enter increasingly volatile career environments with little understanding of the unpredictable nature of complex systems. Teaching complexity is vital in higher education for students to navigate complex issues and tackle the multi-faceted challenges in interconnected modern workplaces. The workshop is for educators who wish to facilitate students’ ability to think through a complexity lens. Complexity teaching methodologies and strategies are discussed, and case studies of successful implementation are presented. The workshop is drawn from the field of sense-making (e.g., Klein et al., 2006 ; Snowden, 2021; Turner et al., 2023) and complexity science (e.g., Taleb, 2013; Uhl-Bien, 2021; Uhl-Bien & Arena, 2017).

Workshop plan
Introduction (20 minutes)
  • Welcome and workshop objectives/agenda.
  • Rationale: the importance of teaching complexity in higher education.
The ‘Complexity Game’ (65 minutes)
  • A large-group game in which participants co-create and physically experience three common system types.
  • Small group sharing of experiences and observations.
  • Whole-of-class development of major system concepts, directly from the game insights.
  • Discussion of the implications for decision-making and how to intervene and effectively manage in different systems.
Strategies for Teaching Complexity (25 minutes)
  • Effective pedagogical approaches for teaching complexity with examples of successful implementation
Systems Mapping Activity (55 minutes)
  • Participant teams engage in a hands-on exercise to create a table-top systems map of a current challenge facing higher education.
  • Group discussion on potential ‘safe-to-fail’ experiments and higher education outcomes.
Closing Remarks and Q & A (15 minutes)
  • Recap of key takeaways and practical strategies for teaching complexity.
  • Opportunities for participants to ask questions and obtain further guidance.
Dr Matthew Tyne, The University of Sydney
Ms Amy McHugh Cole, The University of Sydney

(Maximum participants 24)

Participants practice using a draft framework for practicing culturally competent marking.

  • Share framework and guide participants through using it;
  • explore possible applications of the framework across disciplines; and
  • engage educators in a discussion on changes/updates to the framework for use in other contexts.

This workshop is for anyone who creates and/or marks student assignments, especially where there are multiple markers. Evidence exists to support anonymous marking of assignments in higher education (Malouff et al., 2014). However, in subjects where students are asked to critically reflect on their own cultures, identities, and experiences, personal information will likely be disclosed. Therefore, how can educators ensure their biases are having the least amount of impact on a students’ mark? How can educators be certain that students are receiving a ‘fair’ mark when there are multiple assessors for a unit? A feature of developing cultural competence is to develop skills of critical reflexivity (Walker et al., 2014) where we consider our assumptions, values and beliefs about cultural differences educators have and to think about how their positioning, worldview and socialisation has shaped their assumptions and beliefs. The Culturally Competent Marking Framework (CCMF) invites educators/markers to explore their own socialisation and positionality, and how those impact the ways in which they mark.

Workshop plan
  • Begins with an introduction to the research that led to the creation of the Culturally Competent Marking Framework (CCMF) (30 minutes).
  • Participants will be introduced to the concepts of worldview, socialisation and positionality. Facilitators guide participants through activities to help participants better understand their own assumptions, values and beliefs and gain insights into how they impact their educational practice. The practice of critical self-reflection (Fook and Gardner 2007) will be used (60 minutes).
  • Participants individually mark three student essays (or other short assignments) using a rubric. (30 minutes)
  • In small groups, participants discuss why and how they marked the three students’ assignments.(30 minutes)
  • Whole group debrief about this process and engage in a discussion about the usefulness of the proposed CCMF. (30 minutes)

On-site half-day workshops (afternoon)

12:45pm - 4:15pm

Ms Marie (Bernie) Fisher, University of New England
Dr Naomi Dale, University of Canberra
Dr Debbie Lackerstein, University of NSW

In this workshop we will be exploring resilience and wellbeing in the course of your university work. The application of strategies for maintaining and increasing your resilience can make a substantial difference to your ability to achieve results in challenging circumstances such as an unexpected pandemic, increased work responsibilities or the introduction of new technologies. The intended audience is university staff which includes professional staff and third space e.g., librarians, academic advisors. Provision and sharing of the practical application of educative aspects of resilience will be adopted to improve development of scholarship.
Background/context: Rapid change in universities in Australia and globally is impacting staff resilience when people feel overloaded and unable to engage in scholarship.

Surprisingly, there is a dearth of literature on higher education staff wellbeing. Studies on university teacher burnout focus on issues such as pressure to publish research in quality journals, increased teaching loads (de los Reyes, Blannin, Cohrssen & Mahat, 2022). These articles have been emerging since the Covid 19 pandemic (Price, 2022). While the exploration of resilience and wellbeing in relation to improving one’s scholarship is being discussed in the sector, it is not necessarily focusing on how resilience and wellbeing can be improved during the educative process.

Workshop plan
Brainstorm session – story writing and telling to reflect on scenarios.

  • Identify what strategies do you adopt to increase your own resilience and wellbeing in your university work?
  • Explore how educative structures such as teaching criteria and frameworks in your institution can be operationalised to increase resilience and wellbeing in academic work?
    Strategies such as allocating a regular session each week to work on building resilience to achieve goals.
  • Assess how criteria and frameworks inform, support or guide resilient practice. Reflect upon how Herdsa’s professional activities help support increased resilience and outputs?
  • Select an issue to work on in your groups
    What is the issue, In what ways does it affect resilience (completion of work, illness, physical, emotional challenges, progressing career).

  • Develop a model or plan in your context to increase resilience and wellbeing in order to develop your scholarship.

Workshop 7 – Guiding emerging researchers towards publishing in higher education journals is free and fully subsidised by HERDSA as a benefit for members. 

Assoc Prof Eva Heinrich, Massey University
Dr Cally Guerin, Australian National University

The workshop aims at equipping emerging scholars with the knowledge required to select the most appropriate journal for their research and shape their submission for a successful review outcome.

The focus of the workshop is on informing about journal specifications and review processes in higher education, looking at the details available to researchers from the ‘outside’ and providing editor perspectives from the ‘inside’.


Journal publishing sits at the heart of research dissemination in higher education. In this workshop we take participants through the many considerations and steps required for publication in a higher education journal:

  • Looking ahead while planning and conducting your research
  • Selecting a suitable journal
  • Understanding the selected journal’s requirements
  • Getting the article ready for submission
  • Coping with the journal’s response
  • Preparing changes for a resubmission
  • Final stages on acceptance
  • After publication

One of the big challenges for emerging researchers is that they are restricted to the publicly available journal information. We address this by providing an insider view on editorial and publishing processes with a particular focus on reviewing. While addressing higher education journals in general, we foreground the two HERDSA journals HERD ( and ASRHE (

Workshop plan

1. The steps from selection to submission

  • Presentation highlighting generic criteria as well as contrasting HERD and ASRHE
  • Participants analyse journal information available on websites with a perspective of finding a home for their research

2. The insider’s view on journal reviewing

  • Presentation focused on processes and pathways
  • Sharing of experiences in small groups

3. The steps from response to publication

  • Presentation on facts, formalities and emotions
  • Sharing of experiences and coping strategies

4. Application of workshop learnings

  • Participants relate workshop learnings to their research – small group discussions with the presenters

5. Reflections and conclusion

Assoc Prof Karin Watson, UNSW Sydney
Mr Collins Fleischner, UNSW Sydney
Dr Nicole Saintilan, UNSW Sydney

In Australia’s tertiary education sector, higher participation rates, the increasing diversity of the student population and declining government funding are key challenges in supporting students’ sense of belonging. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the normalisation of new flexible modes of study (i.e., hyflex, hybrid, blended, online, muti-modal, face-to-face) has created a more fragmented student cohort, making it difficult to create a connected learning community.  The goal of this research study was to explore the variety of techniques that educators use to foster a sense of belonging and community in their various classrooms.

This workshop is for academic staff and those who support teaching.
It aims to incite discussion regarding the nature of belonging and the roles that teachers and students have in fostering belonging in the post-COVID classroom. It will also provide participants with principles and strategies that they can incorporate into their own practice and environments to improve students’ sense of belonging.


The workshop will present the research outcomes of a recent study at UNSW, which used the ‘learning community’ question in the university’s internal student evaluations of learning and teaching data to identify areas of good practice. These research outcomes have been gamified, giving workshop participants a fun way to engage with different teaching practices and ideas.

Workshop plan

The workshop will first outline the research project and its findings. Workshop participants will then be invited to form small groups to play a bespoke card game. The game, based on verbatim from the research study, will engage participants with key principles that underpin a greater sense of student belonging in courses and classrooms, as well as the breadth of teaching strategies academics can use to foster belonging. The game is also designed to show the limitations of and challenges to fostering belonging, in that not every technique will foster belonging in the same way, even if they share that common thread of teacher care. In turn, the game is designed to also elicit ideas from participants about other principles and techniques they think educators can incorporate in their practice, in order to foster a greater sense of belonging for their students.